Life Update, Self-Improvement

I Meditated 15 Minutes For 100 Days, It Made My Life Better In 3 Important Ways

I meditate from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. I do 15 minutes of meditation every day and I’m now doing the most daily meditation I’ve ever done. One hundred days ago, I decided to meditate every day no matter what, and I’m still going. Here are the results of my 100 days of meditation.

My Concentration Abilities and Self-confidence Have Significantly Improved.

I am now able to meditate for 15 minutes easily. One hundred days ago, it was not so easy. There was a whole lot of mind-wandering going on. My concentration during meditation has improved.

I was constantly second-guessing, criticizing, doubting, and fearful of hitting publish and putting my words out there.

Of course, this was not a new thing. I’ve been overly self-conscious about almost everything all my life. Here’s how meditation helped with that.

Meditation is the practice of becoming aware of your thoughts and letting them go. It’s the practice of noticing thoughts but not taking them so seriously — allowing them to float by like clouds in the sky.

When you do this every morning for 15 minutes, your thoughts don’t seem as important in everyday life. My second-guessing, self-criticism, self-doubt, and fear began to dissolve.

Finally, meditation is also mind training — learning to hold your attention solidly on the main task — staying in the present moment.

This training has been beneficial in developing my concentration muscle. I can now sit down and concentrate on my writing for two hours or more. I couldn’t do that before I began meditating daily.

Creativity Is Bubbling Up

I meditate every morning, and then I write my thesis. Since I’m writing or thinking about writing every day, my unconscious mind is continuously working on it. When I sit down to meditate, and my mind gets quiet, ideas start bubbling up.

If you want to have an idea factory, I suggest you get a cushion and sit down right now! You won’t regret it. (Keep your notebook handy.)

Everyday Mindfulness Is Flourishing

These are changes that I feel it recently:

  1. I don’t slam doors; I close them carefully and quietly.
  2. When I take off my shoes, I don’t just toss them on the floor haphazardly. I place them neatly, side by side.
  3. I’m scrolling much less on social media than I did 100 days ago.
  4. I’m reading more now.
  5. My long-time desire to argue, play devil’s advocate, and disagree is disappearing.
  6. When I’m dealing with someone whose take on the world is different than mine, I don’t take the bait. I try to listen open-mindedly and find some common ground. I’m losing the desire always to be correct.
  7. If someone tailgates me, I change lanes.
Final Thoughts

I recommend daily meditation to anyone who wants to reduce their self-consciousness, improve their concentration, become more creative, and live mindfully.

Of course, there is also meditation to experience enlightenment. But that’s a whole different subject. And I don’t have the practical experience to offer about that.

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