Category: Blog

These posts are a compilation about updates in this blog and what progress that I made

Life Update, Self-Improvement

I Meditated 15 Minutes For 100 Days, It Made My Life Better In 3 Important Ways

I meditate from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. I do 15 minutes of meditation every day and I’m now doing the most daily meditation I’ve ever done. One hundred days ago, I decided to meditate every day no matter what, and I’m still going. Here are the results of my 100 days of meditation. My …

Blog, Update

How Write a Blog Can Change Your Life

I know this featured image is the most clickbait image of all the images on this blog. However, I just wanted to tell you that writing a blog can have a significant impact on your life (btw thank you for DSDI UGM for the appreciation of my blog, the best blogger in 2021). Being a …

Life Update, Self-Improvement

Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021: Lessons From It

I know it’s a bit late for posting this article but happy new year everyone! I know 2020 is a hard time for us to struggle, to survive, even to be stronger. I never expected before I was celebrating family new year’s eve at a virtual conference (featured image). But, I’m grateful to stay with …

Opinion, Self-Improvement

What I Learned (So Far) from Reading 3 Chapters Every Day

This year, I decided to read the entire Bible by reading 3 chapters every day. It was a big step for someone like me who has tried numerous times to accomplish this feat. And now, I passed 200 days about reading the Bible. I hope I stay persistent in maintaining this progress. So far so …

Opinion, Self-Improvement

Positive Things that I Learned During the COVID-19 Quarantine

News about coronavirus (COVID-19) dominates the headlines and public concern, it is on everyone’s lips. We tend to worry about many things such as the explosion of new positive cases, household items panic buying, and disrupting effect in the economic process. But instead of adding to the general panic and freaking out about every tiny …